Our VBE pledge

As a company, we strive to follow values-based practices and principles in everything we do.

Now, we understand that as humans we are not perfect, but in our hearts, minds, and actions, we will always try to achieve that goal, even if it is going to be a lifelong journey!

VaLUES-BASED schools

We work directly with schools who need our support in implementing values-based education, whether it’s on a business or a pro bono basis.


Our consultants implement their values-based ways of thinking and strive to the best of their ability to implement this philosophy in all the work they do for our clients.


In some projects that are not directly linked to values, we offer our clients the option to include a values component if they find it appropriate and fitting for the purpose.


Management consultancy in education is usually a long term relationship. And we cherish this relationship from both the business and human (values) perspective.

Values-based Education (VBE)

Possibly the most important and lasting transformation

Implementing values-based education, is one of the most fundamental and lasting transformations that a school can go through in their lifetime.

Now, in the era where information is easily available to everyone, and even soft skills are becoming something you can learn with enough effort, positive human values such as honesty, respect, kindness, care, love and many others are becoming one of the most important things that schools should foster and develop, in the first place. 

A few videos about values-based education

On the left you can see a short doodle video explaining the concept, in the middle a video from a headteacher of a school from Lincoln, and on the right is an inspiring TEDx talk from Dr Neil Hawkes, the founder of VBE approach.